Funding Support available from EWGA for Durham Girls

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All information and links to application forms are on the EWGA website

EWGA Trust Individual Grant Applications

The EWGA Trust Fund is our own fund for helping young golfers who are under 21 OR in full-time education. The objective of the Trust Fund is to help young golfers in need, with the cost of purchasing essential equipment, tuition, accommodation and travel. It is not necessary for a girl to have a low handicap to apply for a grant.

Money for the Trust Fund comes from donations by individuals, ladies’ sections of Golf Clubs and County Associations. In addition money is raised through the sale of merchandise and from fundraising activities organised by EWGA. It is hoped that the following notes will be of assistance to you when making your application, but the Trust Management Committee and Trustees wish to point out that players must not think of grant aid as a right for which they may make a claim, but rather as assistance for which they may apply.

  • Individual Grants are only available to players who are in membership of an affiliated golf club and whose subscription has been paid to EWGA.
  • If a player is in receipt of an Athletes Personal Award from our Sport England Grant or an Angela Uzielli Bursary, Bellamy Bursary or SportsAid grant they should not apply to the Trust for assistance.
  • If a player is in the EWGA training programme she should not apply for coaching expenses.
  • The EWGA Trust Management Committee meets 3 times per year to consider applications - April, June and October. Applications for grants are not considered at any other time.
    Grants must be applied for in advance and cannot be awarded retrospectively.
  • Grants to individuals will not exceed £500 in any Trust financial Year. (1 October to 30 September).
  • The player should complete all sections of the form and return it to their County Junior Organiser for their comments and support.
  • Coaching expenses should only be asked for if you are aged 16 or under, or a late starter, not in receipt of coaching vouchers, or in a squad (national/select/regional/birdie). Maximum award up to £50 per application. Please note that we are unable to make coaching awards from the Trust unless the coach has completed the NSPCC EduCare course of equivalent.
  • Competition Expenses should be for listed National and Divisional championships only.
  • Equipment should only be listed only if it is essential and really need assistance.
  • After each meeting the EWGA Office sends a letter to the player stating how much she has been granted and a form listing what her grant may be used for together with claim forms. Under the Rules of Amateur Status players may only be reimbursed for expenses incurred.
  • EWGA Office sends a copy of this form to the County Junior Organiser together with the cheque.
  • The grant is administered by the County Association.

If you would like further information about this or an application form please contact or go onto the EWGA website (

EWGA Bursaries

Every year 2 bursaries are available for girls wanting to continue in education after 18 years of age:

  • The Angela Uzielli Bursary 
  • The Bellamy Bursaries

The Bellamy Bursaries

This award – of up to £1500 per student, per academic year is available for 2 successful applicants who are studying a recognised course at Higher or Further Education College in a golf related subject. This for example might be Golf Course Management, Turf Management, Green Keeping, Horticulture, Sports Management, to name but a few. The award year will be from 1 October to 30 September and to apply for one of these bursaries applications must be received in the EWGA office by the 1st  September each year. If you would like further information about this please contact It is advisable to keep a record of all the experiences you have had in golf as you will need to write a letter/CV explaining why you should be considered for this award.

Application forms are available on the EWGA website but the County Junior Organiser must also complete a section of this form and she will then send your application to EWGA.

The Angela Uzielli Bursary

4 bursaries are available – each will fund £1250 - £1500 per annum. The bursaries are to provide financial assistance for educational expenses of girls in further education. The awards will be administered through the EWGA Trust.

The bursaries will be awarded to students who have a financial need and will continue for the duration of their academic course. However, they will be reviewed annually and the students will need to show that their enthusiasm and commitment to their golf have been satisfactory before the next year’s funds are released.

Applications should be submitted to EWGA by 1st September in the year of entry. If you would like further information about this or an application form please contact It is advisable to keep a record of all the experiences you have had in golf as you will need to write a letter/CV explaining why you should be considered for this award.

Application forms are available on the EWGA website but the County Junior Organiser must also complete a section of this form and she will then send your application to EWGA.


DCLGA Junior Funding Support

There is a sum of money set aside to support Junior Girls who need help, for example, with:-

  • coaching fees
  • expenses for national competitions
  • golf equipment and golf clothing

Please get in touch with the CJO Gloria West- if you feel you need this type of financial support.
